Welcome to the home of Claudette Evans Yoga (E-RYT 500, YACEP). Claudette is passionate about the study and practice of yoga, she mentors the development of teachers and committed students throughout the Pacific Northwest via weekly classes, private instruction, workshops, teacher trainings and events, in-person and online. Claudette's classes create a space for self-expression through body and voice, cultivate a clarity of focus, and foster the gift of embodiment. Through her teaching, she aims to create experiences of joy and healing that enable people to live fully and authentically, moving bravely and boldly toward their purpose.
Looking at Patañjali’s Distillation of the Practice
Yoga Sūtra 1.12 invites us to explore what is perhaps the greatest truth to be derived from what’s come to be known as the Classical Period of Yoga, that oneʼs choice to exercise the combination of abhyāsa, practice, and vairāgya, non-attachment, is more powerful than any pattern that inhabits the heart-mind-body field, or citta. In my teaching, this idea has served as an anchor and a container for learning, one I received through a teaching model created by Vyaas Houston at the American Sanskrit Institute, a model that proved itself steady and reliable during my 14 years of study and teaching there, and showed the infallible nature of these fundamental principles. In this 45-min presentation, I explore the power of yoga via one of the most widely referenced sources on yogic philosophy. Check out my IndicaAcademy talk below, presented in January, 2023.
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“As honey is sweet from any part of the honeycomb, so is yoga. It enables every part of the human system to become attuned to its essence, the conscious seer within. Yoga alone enables the practitioner to perceive and experience the world within and around himself, to touch the divine joy of all creation, and then to share that nectar of divine wealth and happiness with his fellow beings.”
~ BKS Iyengar